Sunday, June 22, 2008


Just arrived in Singapore after a five hour flight... the food was okay, Lamb and Vegetables and salad (aka lettuce in a cup), althought unlimited Bundaberg Ginger Beer was good.


Plane food... Ginger Beer = awesome.

The people in front of us were kind enough to push their seats as far back as possible, which made the somewhat cramped seats even more so. I tried to sleep, but was disturbed with the offering of icecream.

Changi is so quiet and clean, I guess I expected a lot more 'hustle and bustle' - but it's like a library... only more travelators. I feel so lazy using them, it's like I'm the anti-gladiator. Travelators are only good when they're in reverse and Mike Whitney is involved.

The in-flight movie stuff was okay, although I somehow managed to freeze mine and the flight attended had to reset it... but after it finally got working I managed to watch 20 minutes of about five different things before I got bored of all of them.

The plane leaves for London in an hour, so the three of us are making the most of the free internet, and I have managed to stay on the same computer for nearly half an hour now, despite getting logged out every fifteen minutes. I'm like the greedy kid who won't share his Nintendo.


Euro 08 @ Changi

Regardless, I bid you all farewell for now, as I go and prepare for the 13 hour long monster that is Singapore to London. And by prepare I mean... get a drink and sit down... or just sit down.

On an unrelated note, I have to wait a couple of days before my phone can be unlocked as '3' are getting back to me with an unlock code... so I won't have a UK number for a while yet.

Stay safe etc.


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