Friday, July 11, 2008

Onwards through Europe

So I decided to lash out and buy a laptop, and it is from this new toy that I bring you an update on our travels. It's an Asus EEE – a rather small, compact and cheap (therefore basic - 4GB hard-drive, for example) laptop, which when closed is slightly bigger than a DVD case. It 's in a hard case, has wireless, and will fit snuggly into my day bag, so breakage and security wise it's perfectly suited.

On the traveling side of things, we're currently checked into the rather nice (relative to where we've been staying previously, at least) Royal National Hotel. It is from here in which our tour departs tomorrow morning at 6:45am on to France. A nice, early start to kick off proceedings.

We spent all of day in Oxford and Regent Street picking up little things we needed for Contiki – locks and adapters and a few items of clothing and so on. Ben and myself also enjoyed Pizza Hut – all you can eat, something which we hadn't seen in a while. After we had all had a bit of a shop we walked over end checked into the Hotel.

Not much else to say, will keep you all updated... until next time, here are some recent pictures.


Kilkenny Castle





Playing footy at Kilkenny Castle...


Leicester Square

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