So yeah, we're back in London now. Went to Amsterdam after Switzerland... it was okay, pretty seedy place. My sunglasses are also in the bottom of a canal....
Currently looking for a place to stay... and a job... which is kind of an annoying process as you can't find a place to live without having a job... and finding a job without a place to live is not much better.
Ben and Claire have since left 'us', and Karl has arrived, so it's now just the three of us, and we are slowly coming to the realisation that we might not be able to all work/live together.
All is good though, the whole desires vs capabilities thing is coming to the fore, I guess I'm not really too phased, having been a poor uni student living out of home for a while.
I'll post up some pictures from Amsterdam sometime soon.
Hopefully next blog update I'll have a house & job!
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