After leaving the picturesque Austria, we headed off to Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. On the way there, we stopped in a smallish town called Cesky Kromlov, which was reportedly the filming location for parts of the movie 'Hostel'... I wasn't able to recognise anything, though... The village itself was interesting, most notably the bear enclosure that they have situated on the outside of the castle that overlooks the town.

Cesky Kromlov
After looking around the outskirts of Prague, and the local castle there, we checked into the accomodation and enjoyed some Beef Goulash. Ahah, I talk about food so much in this blog.
The next day we got to explore more of Prague, which has a tinge of 'medieval' about it, before heading for a ferry cruise down the Vltava River that runs through town, with a complimentary buffet (more food). After the satisfactory lunch and cruise, we headed to a pub within Prague known as the 'Beer Factory'. Essentially, you sit at a table as you would at any normal bar, except, in the middle of the table is a beer tap, from which you can pour as much beer as you want. Then, when you decide to leave, you just pay for what you've drunk (which was about 750 Czech ... or $5.50 Australian a LITRE). Oh, and another thing, there's a big screen projector on the wall, that displays a giant scoreboard of all the tables, and how much they've drunk. Good times.

The next day started off with a two and a half hour guided bike ride through Prague. This ride brought back memories of my 'younger days', as me and 'The Destroyer' (my bike) carved up the streets, parks and paths of Prague, terrorizing pedestrians, cars and the like. I also managed to see a few sites within Prague, whilst enjoying an ice cream and icy cold coca cola along the way.

John Lennon Wall, Prague
After perusing a museum one is only likely to find in Eastern Europe, I headed back to the hostel, and took advantage of the free wireless internet... something which is as rare as a Dockers finals appearance ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Hahaha, got the best reaction from people sitting near me as I read that back out loud.
Anyway, after finishing up in Prague, we headed on the bus towards Germany and the Olympic city of Munich. As I was only staying in Munich for the one night, everything was pretty rushed, and there wasn't a great deal of sight seeing to be done, besides looking through the city centre, and hugely overrated glockenspiel (clock with dancing figurine things that come out of it... trust me, it sucked.)


Munich had an abundance of shops to keep me entertained though, including perhaps the hugest electronics store I have ever seen, and quite a few clothes stores with outfits as outrageous and quirky as the people that would wear them.
After checking into the hostel, I headed to a local beerhall, for the beginning of the nights festivities. Despite not being a huge fan of pork, the porn knuckle was awesome, possibly improved by the accompanying stein of beer. Traditional German dancing and singing was the 'entertainment' throughout the dinner, and I realised Germans like to 'toast' every five minutes.

The nightclub we went to in Munich was amusing in the sense that it was 100% identical to any club in Perth. Same music, same kind of people, same drinks, everything. I don't know what I expected, but I guess I expected it to not be SO similar.
I arrived back at the hostel in the early hours of the morning, and crashed into bed like a Curtly Ambrose bouncer crashed into the ribs of many Australian openers (okay, I'll stop now), and caught a few hours sleep before the early start and trip to Switzerland ahead of me.
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