Saturday, August 30, 2008

Living in London

So we moved into the flat a couple of days ago. The room was pretty messy, so me and Sarah had to spend a fair while cleaning everything up. Ended up buying a heap of bedding stuff as well, which was a bit of a dent in the wallet, albeit an expected one.

The room is now looking pretty good, and feels homely enough for now, and we've got to know a few people we're living with... so everything on that front is going okay.

Jobs-wise, I have a couple of interviews lined up... one in a bar, and one in a call centre... I'm not sure which I'd rather prefer, but with finances the way they are at the moment, I'll probably just take the first one that's offered to me.

Not much else to say really, we don't have internet access in our flat, but it's apparently being set up in the very near future, but I'm not holding my breath.

Okay, I have nothing else to say...


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