Earlier in the week we went into Oxford via the train, and had a look around there. Like many parts of England, the place was full of old buildings and good shopping. I managed to pick up a skinny tie and sweet cardigan, so I felt pretty accomplished. We settled into a nice pub for a meal and a pint, before heading back to Cropredy.

Myself and Sarah also caught the train to a place called Stratford, just north of here which, in addition to the really old buildings, contains the birth place of Shakespeare. I also had an awesome pasty here.... which seem to be everywhere – it's like the primary English takeaway food... as they don't have meat pies anywhere, not that I've really felt like one anyway.

Shakespeare's birth place, Stratford

The rest of the week we've basically been relaxing at home in Cropredy, watching the Olympics and movies. There isn't a lot in the village, but we did have a look at the local pub The Red Lion, and I've had a bit of a walk around the place. It's really small, and cool in a quiet, quaint kind of way. There's a canal running through the back part of town full of house boats people live in, which is kind of cool, and not something I really expected for rural England.


So good
Karl has gone back to London for a concert, so it's just me and Sarah at the moment. We're heading to her grandmothers on Sunday to stay there for few days before heading back to London, via Cropredy again, at the end of next week. We move into the house on Saturday, which is pretty exciting.
Until next time.....
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